Happy Diwali!

Happy Diwali to you all .This one and more cards are available at sandpipercards.com


Swati said…
Happy diwali to you too! The card painting is lovely. All of them are yours, right? I wish you'd illustrate a picture book for kids I write - but I don't think I can do your drawings justice!
Priya Kuriyan said…
Hey Swati ! Long time :). Thanks so much and hope you had a wonderful Diwali too . The last three cards on the site happen to be mine . I'm sure the book you write will be wonderful ! Have you started on it?
Swati said…
You are so sweet to be so encouraging. The answer is both yes and no - I did do something but it isn't satisfactory, so in effect, I have to start all over again :)
Deepa Gopal said…
WOW! This is so beautiful! Loved all your works; I have been going thru them. Lovely illos, Priya! This one is brimming with joy!

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