Jungle tales for children

Book cover done for Rupa publications


Joshua said…
It would be nice if you read the book before you created the cover. No, there are no zebras in India or stories about tigers in the book.
Priya Kuriyan said…
Thank you for pointing that out , Joshua .My bad. Usually I tend to trust the editor to tell me if there are glaring mistakes on an occasion when I'm unable to read the book . Will let them know now.
Joshua said…
Priya, as I'm involved with the book, I did point out, but I was told that it was too late to make changes. Now that the book is out, I'd like your opinion on it. (At least now, you can take a crack at reading it!)
Priya Kuriyan said…
I'll do that . I just received my copy a couple of days back .

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